As a parent, we have the responsibility of instilling moral values in our children. With the world becoming an increasingly complex place professionally, morally, and ethically, it is a real challenge to find good values that would be relevant in contemporary times. Here, we will get to know in detail “Moral Values for Students“, and “Importance of Moral values in students’ life“.
The outlook on life is bound to be different in different families, and that would be reflected in their values. But still, the basic core values remain the same across countries and cultures.
Here are a few tips from me. Let’s discuss this in detail.
Our family lineage, community, language, and traditions give us a sociocultural identity. What we achieve in our lives gives us an individual identity. Both these identities are important and should be nurtured carefully.
We should do everything we can to preserve our sociocultural identity. Changing times and practices may make us look at it in a different light, which may be unfavorable at times. But in our hearts, we should be proud of this identity. We should always keep in mind that because of these roots, we are what we are today.
We human beings are social animals, and our relationships with family, friends, workmates, and others form the very basis of our lives. Each relationship offers us something different. Together, all of them greatly contribute towards our success and sense of fulfillment. One simple rule for making any relationship work is to value it regardless of the power, position, or possessions of the other person. Relationships formed based on such petty materialistic considerations never last long.
That is why you should always teach your children to understand and appreciate the value of every relationship in life.
People usually get it right when it comes to respecting their own cultural, linguistic, or religious identity. They also get it right when it comes to respecting their own individuality and individual rights. But they make mistakes in equating that self-respect to an arrogant intolerance of anything that does not conform to their views.
Respecting ourselves and respecting others are not contradictory values; they are complementary to each other. Just because we feel it is right to do something in one particular way, it doesn’t mean that others are wrong in doing it in some other way. There will be multiple perspectives, and we should respect them even when disagreeing.
We gain respect when we give respect.
The word ‘care’ has many meanings. If it means showing concern, it also means attending to someone or something. Both these meanings should be taught when teaching about ‘care’.
Caring for people, work or causes gives our life meaning, and taking care to understand, plan, and execute a project ensures that we increase our chances of success.
Compassion is a unique human trait that makes us understand people’s sufferings and prompts us to do our bit to help them. Unfortunately, many of us are becoming so engrossed in our selfish pursuits in life that we are becoming desensitized to other people’s. Pains and misfortunes. This can change only if we teach our kids to rise above our selfish motives and be kind and sensitive to others.
We face adverse situations when we want to stand up for what is right. The situation may be personal or social. We should have enough courage to stand up for what is right. Courage has nothing to do with physical or economic strength. It just needs mental strength and a strong belief in the rightness of your cause.
Encourage your children to dream. Tell them: ‘No dreamer is ever too small and no dream is ever too big! Unless you imagine it, you can’t do it. Dreams are ideas waiting to happen. But also make it clear to them that just dreaming is not enough. One has to work in the real world to turn dreams into reality.
Just a brilliant idea is not enough. It needs a lot of hard work to make things happen. No effort is too much if we want to achieve something, and we should prepare to put in that effort to attain our goal.
Passion is to feel strongly about something. It is the spark that fires up our lives. Without suffering, life becomes dull and dreary. Passion for any worthy cause provides the drive and energy to achieve great things.
What we want or aim for will not happen overnight. Dreams and desires take time to develop into realities. Patience is the ability to wait during that time. Impatience makes you do rash things and leads to defeats and disasters.
Sometimes, when we are not getting a project right in the first attempt, we should be prepared to work on the same things repeatedly until everything falls into place. We should not lose heart and drop the project midway. This is the quality of perseverance and is an amalgamation of patience, commitment, and determination.
All our dreams, passion, patience, perseverance, and efforts would mean little if we didn’t have the integrity to follow our ideals and stand up for them. Underhand dealings and unfair practices have become the norms in contemporary public life and are often touted as the easy ways to success. But we don’t have to follow those corrupt ways to reach the top. Success does come our way if we are honest with ourselves, our work, and our society, and such success is always cherished more.
A final word of advice
As I said earlier, depending on your background, there could be many other values that you would want to implant in your children. But these particular values, to me, represent the core values in every individual’s mental makeup.
If I have to summarize this advice, I will say:
Teach your children to spread their wings and fly to heights. But ensure they never lose their roots in the soil!