Introduction of Teacher
Teaching in nurseries and schools is a specialized job, but, indeed, specialists are not always handling it. In this article, we will discuss the importance of teachers in students’ life.
Knowledge of the subject & the ability to simplify it, as well as kindness, understanding, and discipline, are essential qualities in this profession. Many-a-time, students and their parents face the problem of dealing with teachers who lack these qualities.
Changing a class or a school is not a solution in most instances. It is like changing a house every time the tap starts leaking. Instead, should try to tackle this issue in a cool and reasoned manner, weighing the pros and cons of every action. Let’s consider some aspects of handling your and your child’s relationship with the teachers.
Parent’s Advice to their children on the Importance of Teachers in Student’s Life
Teach your child the value of politeness, discipline, and respect. These values are necessary for life and often succeed better than intelligence or wit. Being regular, obedient, punctual, and thorough in classwork is to be encouraged. It is a surefire policy to be popular with teachers.
Race, region, religion, and relations have always played a part in examinations and interviews, but the cream has always risen to the top. You have to make your child realize that one has to face unfair practices in life, but the best can survive. Complaining about every injustice is not something you should encourage. Instead, should teach the child to overcome such obstacles with grit and determination.
Many problems in the school stem from parents’ unrealistic expectations. Parents often misjudge the innate ability and intelligence of their children. For you, your child is the best in the world, but your love and affection can not propel your child to the top to reach both inspiration and perspiration are necessary.
One thing, all parents must remember is never to consider their children as themselves by proxy. You don’t push your child hard to achieve the scholarly ambitions and aspirations that remained unfulfilled in your career.
It is so simple to judge a teacher’s performance by seeing him through the child’s eyes Comments like I like my teacher or I want to be like my teacher are pointers that the child has accepted the teacher wholeheartedly. School phobia, imaginary complaints like headaches or abdominal pain to avoid school or consistent negative remarks about teaching are signs of problems.
When a child has problems with a teacher, you should initially try to curb this tendency by making the child see the good side of teaching. If these negative signs continue, it is time to thoroughly evaluate the problem.
To find the root of the problem, you should try to understand why the child is not happy with the teacher. The most common reason is the teacher’s attitude, which the child has perceived as unfair or unfriendly. Even a simple negative remark or gesture can sometimes lead to a student’s dislike for that teacher.
You can often solve this problem by teaching your child to ignore these minor Offences. A simple way to make the child realize that certain remarks or gestures do not mean that the teacher is unfriendly or unfair is to point out the child’s occasional bad behavior at home with you or your siblings.
Encourage your child to develop a one-to-one rapport with the teacher. Asking for help with difficulties or questions about the subject after class is sometimes preferable. But should not become a routine or an attention-seeking device.
Extra-curricular activities like sports, reading, writing, drawing, or singing provide the opportunity to develop such as student-teacher rapport. Teachers are more like to be friendly during these activities, especially if they share the same passions.
A student’s quality of classwork, understanding of concepts, and evaluation reports from school can tell as much about the teacher as the student. So whether they are functioning well as a team. If you see problems in these areas, it is time to discuss the matter with the teacher. Parent-teacher meetings with their cramped, crowded, and time-bound settings are not ideal for this purpose. But you can make a start during these meetings and get an appointment for further discussions. Preferably, meet the teacher in the school. Do not make a routine of asking for this kind of special favor.
While discussing the problem areas in your child’s scholastic record, never start with aggressive or accusatory talk. It would just make the teacher defensive. Instead, ask the teacher what the weak areas are in your child’s school performance and how they can improve. After listening, you can put forward your views. Any unfair practices (including physical or emotional punishments should be discussed openly.
If and only if the unfair, unfriendly, or incompetent teaching practices continue despite repeated discussions, you should take the matter to higher authorities and consider changing the class or the school.
Problems in teaching have many causes. A teacher may know a subject well but not know how to present it to studentsA. Individualized attention is rarely possible in a class of 30-40 students. Teachers increasing workload, personal problems, and personality traits play a vital role in the teaching process. Parents have to be aware of these burdens on teachers.
Final Word of Advice
Teachers are the shapers of the future world, the role models for growing minds. It is not just a job to add something to the family income. Unfortunately, some teachers don’t realize this great social responsibility and devalue this noble profession. But then, which profession has remained immune to these problems?
In this article, we discussed very clearly the importance of teachers in student’s life should be.