Behaviour Problems in Children
While children grow, their behavior changes. In each stage, the Child’s behavior is changed and marked by his personality. At the age of two, for everything, the child says “No”. This is a healthy sign because the child is beginning to act as an individual. Here, we will discuss in detail “Behaviour Problems in Children“.
One form of behavior inappropriate to the child’s age and development is the behavior problem. Thumb sucking is not a problem for a child of 12 months, but it is a problem if it is seen at the age of five years. It usually indicates that something is wrong with the child.
Sometimes, a three-year-old child refuses to eat solid food after the arrival of a new baby. In many cases, the reasons lie in deep-seated emotions. The child shows anger. So, it is always important to know what underlies the behavior problem with the child rather than treating the problem only. By seeing the special attention his smaller sibling is getting from his parents.
Advice to Parents
There are various problems that parents might face and that require special attention from parents for the healthy personality development of their child.
Eating problems are seen in children at about age two. In this problem, it is better to keep the child in humor surrounding and, see that how he eats. But don’t force the child to eat something. Don’t give punishment to a child for not eating. It becomes more severe to deal with the child. Sleep problems happen in children because of fear of darkness, nightmares, etc. Late-night sleep causes sleep problems. But if it is a sign of negativism, then deal with care.
To some degree, discipline problems are common to all children. Discipline is necessary for children. But, when parents become overstrict in discipline, the child becomes disobedient, defiant, and even aggressive.
Bed-wetting may happen due to emotional disturbance. The child needs a relaxed home atmosphere with plenty of normal interests and activities. The problem will reduce in this condition. The bed-wetting problems of children due to emotional conditions can be taken care of by parents. Scolding and spanking the child will make him more upset and less likely to regain bladder control. Irrational fears are seen in all children. Nervous habits such as thumb sucking and nail biting after the age of five are seen because of emotional problems. These problems can be removed by using the reconditioning technique. The child who always daydreams needs serious help.
Sex problems in children depend upon the attitude of parents. If the parents strongly disapprove of the normal curiosity of the child, then children may increase their curiosity and drive underground. So, due to a wrong understanding of the problem by the parents many of the problems arise.