Yoga is the essential part of fitness & the asanas are the body postures. It may be by sitting or standing ways. Asana is a Sanskrit word. It means doing different types of body postures. So, it is for many purposes. For getting a healthy body and mind, you have to practice yoga asanas regularly. For better sleep, also people do yoga asanas. Any age people can practice this. Here, in this article, we will discuss that Do you know the 91 Yoga Rules?
Mudra is a Sanskrit term. It means simple hand postures. You can practice it by sitting in a lotus pose or on a chair. So, here, we will discuss that “Do you know the 91 rules of Yoga”. It is written by Sadhguru Thakura Nigamananda.
The 91 Rules of Yoga
1. This is especially beneficial to do yoga asanas 1 hour before sunrise. Because there is a lot of oxygen in the air at this time. Seekers should not sleep in bed at this time.
2. Leave the bed from earlier morning. Then get rid of urine going to the toilet. Do not practice with fast urine or fasting.
3. At the time of stress or anxiety, do not practice yoga asanas. But, at that time, you have to sit quietly in the living room without doing anything.
4. Do exercise in the open air. But, do not practice in closed or contaminated air. So, do not exercise in public places.
5. If you are feeling hungry or just after eating, do not practice. But, only Birasana practices you can do all the time. After eating, within 3 hours, do not practice.
6. By not seeing the technique of action directly from the experienced advisor or without following the trainer, but by simply reading the books, do not practice yoga asanas.
7. Do not practice it in the opened body. But do not wear a suit during practice time. But just by wearing a light shirt, sitting on Sukhasasana, you can practice it.
8. At the end of the practice, do not do other things without adding Jala Neti.
9. Practice regularly. So practice for one hour a day. But ,do not practice in the way today for one hour and tomorrow for half an hour. But, irregular practices will not bring any results.
10. Do not practice with a hungry stomach. So, if you practice with a hungry stomach will not get the expected results.
11. Begin the yoga asana and mudra practice with less time, but then gradually increase the time according to your health conditions and capabilities.
12. You should sit in a straight position. So, do not stir at the time of practice. So, you cannot do it perfectly.
13. You should make a goal to be successful by practicing it.
14. Practice meditation also with yoga asanas. Because it will be more helpful for you.
15. As long as you feel comfortable, you can practice it. But not after that.
16. You should respect and obey the rules of Guru. So, patience, faith, and eagerness are required to get as Asana Siddhi.
17. You can practice it where the atmosphere is clear.
18. It is essential to have respect for teachers during practice time. Enthusiasm, patience is required during practice.
19. Some undergraduates leave for a few days after practicing for two months or a month or start two months later. It makes them irregular. The results of seekers, because of lack of determination, do not yield any results.
20. Sit on the north or east side during the practice. Sit on the leather and blanket during the practice period. Murga skin and blankets are best. Do not sit on the floor during practice time. Primitive seekers will never use tiger skin.
21. Be careful not to be infected by mosquitoes, flies, or ants in the seat. So, do not place any other items in the sitting place.
22. Practice one asana perfectly. So, give focus on this asana. But, do not practice one asana today then, another for tomorrow. Then will not get any results from practices. So, start practice from one asana. Then after getting perfection and results from this asana, you can go for another asana.
23. If a healthy person practices for Padmasana, Siddhasana, Birasana, no more asanas are required to practice.
24. Do the asana in the way of which asana is for the cure of the disease. So, there is no need for practice once the disease gets cured.
25. You will not be impatient to get the results at the time of practice. Because the seekers will work in faith, not on the job, hoping for results. So, strong faith is the key to success.
26. Do not think unnecessary things at the time of practice.
27. Patience comes when the weakness of the mind goes and sets the goal.
28. Anyone will always be successful if he always pays special attention to his own mistakes and does not pay attention to the mistakes of others. So, we have to rely on truth, non-violence, God for results.
29. You should avoid drug consumption during the practice period.
30. Gambling should not be a concern.
31. After practice, keep faith in God for results.
32. One-tenth of the income you should spend on religious work and the service of Sri Gurudev.
33. You should not be talking during practice time.
34. Do not eat very sour, very salty, and salty things during practice time.
35. People should eat milk, ghee, fruit in the same quantity. So, eating should be in moderation and at regular intervals. So, you may not eat as per your choice.
36. You should eat the required quantity of food at the right time. But, do not eat every time as per your choice.
37. Primary seekers will start chanting and meditate in the prescribed manner for 45 minutes. But it can extend from one and half hours till two hours. So, do not practice too much suddenly.
38. You can practice Viparita Karani mudra for 5 minutes to one and half hours. Then gradually will increase the practice time.
39. You will start Matsyasana in three minutes. But, practice other asanas from 5 minutes to 30 minutes to cure the disease.
40. First, practitioners will sit on the asana and will meditate. Then will do practice yoga asanas and mudras.
41. After each yoga practice will take a rest. But in your leisure time will read spiritual books. So, you have to do prayers with family members and friends in the evening time.
42. The people must provide services to the poor and social organizations.
43. Write a diary every day. So, if one day is lost or something goes wrong, you can rectify yourself.
44. For a beginner, if the limb is painful, it is necessary to take a balanced diet of milk and ghee. But, if you do not sit in a proper position in first practice, you can re-practice it.
45. Padmasana and Siddhasana are best for meditation.
46. Sirsasana, Siddhasana, and Mastyasana are helpful for massive pain such as syphilis, metabolic syndrome, rheumatism, and eye disease.
47. Mastyasana and Paschimottanasana will be effective for diseases of women. But, do not practice asanas in pregnancy time.
48. Padmasana, Siddhasana, and Paschimottanasana are the main ones for the eradication of all diseases. Mayurasan is helpful for liver disease and Mahamudra for hemorrhoids. For leprosy disease, Viparita Karani mudra and maha mudra is beneficial. Siddhasana and Mahamudra are effective for piles and Mastyasana for arthritis. The older patients need to practice for more time.
49. Five qualities required for being successful in practice. Those are; get up from sleep in the early morning, eat healthy foods with required quantities, regularly practice at a particular time, reverence, firmness.
50. By practicing Sirsasana, blood flows very frequently to the brain. So, after Sirsasana practice for Sabasana. So, by practicing Sabasasana, there will be balance in blood flowing.
51. The people who are in the condition of mental weakness, eyes redness, heart problem, breathing problem, high blood pressure, Sirsasana practice will be harmful to them.
52. Do not practice it at night or after meals; But, the best time to practice on Brahma time or early morning.
53. Although you are practicing Sirsasana in the early morning, but do not practice at a time for two times.
54. The practice causes the brain to become very hot. So, it is essential to eat nutritious and healthy foods to keep the brain cool.
55. After the Sirsasana practice, rest for at least half an hour. In the fast urine or after bath, do not practice Sirsasana.
56. If the body becomes hot during the Sirsasana practice, you will eat milk and butter and give up the asana practice. But, do not take any over-the-counter medications.
57. Those who have Jaundice disease will not practice Bhujangasana.
58. Should not practice if the nose is closed by a cold.
59. People with high blood pressure should not perform any yogic action.
60. If the body is weak after recovering from the disease, do not practice asana.
61. If you are eating not much food, such as; one glass of milk, then take half an hour break to practice. So, if you are taking a full meal, then practice after 5 hours of eating.
62. Do not practice asana after another exercise or after other practices do not practice asana. Do it taking at least twenty minutes gap.
63. Practice Bhujangasana first from three times. Then in fifteen days increase it to one time more.
64. Do Paschimottasana three times for fifteen days. Then increase for one time in fifteen days. In each time minimum of one minute, you have to do.
65. Baddhapadmasan and Paschimottasana are beneficial for indigestion.
66. Mayurasana and Baddhapadasana are beneficial for Pilha. Siddhasana and Mahamudra are effective for piles.
67. Baddha Padmasana is helpful for blood clotting.
68. Birasana and Paschimottasana are helpful for Epilepsy disease.
69. Sirsasana and Mahamudra are effective for leprosy disease.
70. Padmasan, Siddhasana, Paschimottasana are very effective in preventing all diseases.
71. Baddha Padmasana is the best for curing the disease. Baddha Padmasana is not for meditation. For getting health, power, and energy, this asana is helpful. Regularly do this for six months will be effective for you. Practicing for one hour every day will be beneficial for everything.
72. Padmasana, Siddhasana, and Mahamudra are especially effective in preserving celibacy.
73. Use an oil Lamp, ghee Diya during exercise. Do not act in. another light
74. Do practice only in a lonely place.
75. If you practice it regularly on three evenings and one night at a time. So, if you practice in this way, then it will complete within six months. When doing this way, do not exercise for at least less than half an hour each time.
76. Practice sitting in one place during regular exercise. So, you will not practice while you are busy. People try to stay away from work what causes the mind to become restless.
77. When practicing asanas for health, it is very beneficial to practice on an empty stomach. Half an hour after the practice, you should eat if you are hungry.
78. The practice area must be exposed to sunlight and air, and the blanket you will use at the time of practice should be washed and keep in sunlight.
79. Do not practice half an hour before and after bathing.
80. Following the rules, it is necessary to prepare schedules of practice on the advice of an experienced person and act accordingly.
81. It is necessary to make a schedule of practice basing on goals, needs, comfortable time, personal benefits, difficulties, age, etc.
82. Boys and girls under the age of twelve will not practice. Asana.
83. Siddhasana is the best one. Sitting in this position is called the base to place the chin on the neck, and keeping the eyes fixed improves the practice of Trataka. Keeping your fingers tight does not expel energy from your hands.
84. The people are sitting on Siddhasana, unable to keep the ankle at the root, should keep the left foot at the base of the penis and the right foot on it.
85. Sirsasana practitioners will do this for two minutes to an hour if they practice curing the disease. So, these practices are helpful for the disorders such as rheumatism, bile, fever, cough, shortness of breath, stomach ailments, cold & cough, diarrhea, leprosy, jaundice, diabetes.
86. During the Sirsasana practice, the results will be the opposite, if you do not practice eating an excessive amount of ghee, milk, and milky things.
87. If practicing this asana after doing any asana, then, will be harmful. So, after practicing Sirsana, do Savasana will be helpful.
88. Do not put any weight on the body after the Sirsasana practice. So, you will take sitting on a rest Arama(easy) chair.
90. It is very harmful to lift the brain up and down over & over again during Sirsana practice time.
91. Paschimottanasana cures epilepsy, constipation, indigestion and stomach ailments, worms, rheumatism, and so on.